A great many people, approximately one in four, suffer needlessly from irrational fears that prevent them from living normal lives. Life is not the same if for example you cannot fly, approach a dog or cat, take an elevator or swim. Those around you, family and friends may be affected as well. In these cases, the subconscious mind has made an erroneous connection between a normally harmless situation and danger, in which case your primal instinct to survive kicks in and all bets are off. This is known as the fight or flight reflex and is your subconscious minds way of protecting you from that perceived danger – but in the case of a phobia there is no danger, it is a false alarm! An extreme example of this would be the fear of dust, amathophobia which I have in fact encountered and there are a great many more. If there is something you would like to do in life but cannot because of fear you can be free of it!
Through hypnosis, I can retrain your subconscious to cut the fear connection between that scary object or situation so the fight or flight reflex remains off, no alarm sounds, so the rush of adrenalin, sweating raised heart rate and tensing of the body never occurs. The therapy is very focused and targets only the false fear, the persons normal fight or flight reflex is unaffected for those genuine situations where it may indeed be needed, such as jumping out of the way of a car when the requirement to survive is immediate and paramount.
In the course of my practice I have met many people who have fallen into the trap of unwanted behaviour – habits! These include nail biting, nervous ticks, grinding of teeth, drinking, gambling, binge eating and many more.
Habits are created inadvertently and slowly over time as the person repeats behaviours over and over again which become accepted as normal by the subconscious mind, and so the person has what we all know as a habit, their new “normal”. However, bad habits are not normal, they are a consequence of a certain thought process that brings us to a point where we are essentially on auto pilot and feel helpless to do anything about it because the compulsion is too strong. This is untrue!
In actuality, bad habits can be overcome and neutralized quite quickly, using the power of the subconscious rather than conscious mind. If the conscious mind was equipped to do it, one would only have to tell oneself to stop and would. While some people can do it, for most it is too daunting and best be put off for another day, and so the habit persists.
Hypnosis goes to the source of the negative mindset, the program running in the background that transmits the urges and compulsions. That is where the cycle or loop is disrupted, the automatic behaviour interfered with so the cycle can break down and disappear. It is a painless and fast solution to what so many people think is just going to be their problem for the rest of their lives, but I am happy to say that doesn’t have to be.
A common issue people ask me to help with is freezing in their tracks and
being unable to perform in certain daily situations which may include work,
academics or sports. The complaint is that “for some reason if I have a deadline or need to speak in front of people, write an exam or play an important game, I can’t seem to relax and just do it and I don’t know why!”
The reason they don’t know why is that it’s a subconscious issue emanating from within not something they can easily put their finger on.
Through hypnosis, I can retrain the subconscious mind to disregard
the usual tension a person may feel in those situations and proceed with the task at hand in a calm and relaxed manner which of course means the person can then perform to their full potential without mental inhibition or physical discomfort.
Why botch that next assignment, exam or big game, why lose sleep over it
in advance when you can find it no longer intimidating or frightening? Flow
through it as relaxed as you are at home on your own couch watching television and see your performance dramatically improve.
Everyone has the ability but sometimes the subconscious needs a reminder – hypnosis is that reminder.